Work > TWO JOHNS Duo show with Antonakis Christodoulou Eleftheria Tseliou Gallery (2015) Athens, Greece.

Nikki/Queen Outlaw of the Southern Meridian/Bridge Crossing
Nikki/Queen Outlaw of the Southern Meridian/Bridge Crossing

At the age of seventeen, NIkki ran away from home to escape her overbearing father, a greedy and corrupt mayor of a town in the Wild West, simply known as Flo-Town. She boarded on a small boat somewhere near Alabama and went down the Mississippi river towards Louisiana. She had heard about a secretive community of french speaking outlaws, who as rumour had it were immortal and fed off the blood of the living. Little did she know that in a few months time, she would be the Queen Outlaw of the Southern Meridian, ruling over the Sand-Vamps and gaining eternal life.